Red Box for Everyone?


A little History

Redbox, an Outerwall Inc. brand, was founded with McDonald’s Ventures, LLC. A fully-automatic DVD rental kiosks were tested first at McDonald’s locations in Denver beginning in 2004.  By 2005, McDonald’s expanded the test to more than 800 restaurants across five additional markets. Also, Outerwall Inc. sign an agreement with McDonald’s to make Redbox a separate company. Redbox was able to expand into grocery stores, mass merchant retailers, and drugstores and convenience stores. Today, Redbox offers new-released DVD, Blu-ray Disc and video game retails through conveniently located, self served kiosks. Redbox has rented out 3.7 billion discs and is available at about 35,000 locations.

ADA Lawsuit

Kiosks like Redbox are coming up everywhere. But they failed to consider how they can be used by individuals who are blind or have limited mobility. Several blind individuals and an advocacy group sued Redbox because its kiosks could not be independently used by non-sight individuals.

Redbox Changes

  • incorporate audio guidance technology, a tactile keypad
  • provide 24-hour telephone assistance at each kiosk
  • pay $1.2 M in damages to the class of aggrieved persons in Cali
  • pay Lighthouse for the Blind $85K to test kiosks

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